How do I know which model is right for me? We recommend giving us a call to discuss this over the phone. We basically do an interview with several questions that will help us to help you decide which model is best suited for you and the type riding you'll be doing.
Which is easier to learn on, rubber tires or polyurethane wheels? There are several variables to make this determination. First, what type surface will you be riding on? Second, how determined are you to learn to ride. There are a number of other questions we would ask to help make the best recommendation. Give us a call and we’ll
How long do the rubber tires or poly wheels last? Generally, the tires or wheels on a Trikke will go several hundred miles before needing to be replaced. However, it depends on your riding style. If you're a casual rider and not doing aggressive deep carves then you will naturally get a lot more miles out of your wheels. If you're an aggressive rider who likes to get down and carve deep regularly then you will get less miles on a set of tires or poly wheels. It's just like a car, if you drive fast and aggressive then you will wear your tires out more frequently. If you drive conservatively then you will get the max life on your tread.
Can I mount the rubber air tires on the older version of the T8? ( T8v.1 or T8v.2 ). Unfortunately, the frame of the T8v.1 and T8v.2 will only accommodate the 8” polyurethane wheel and does not have the necessary clearance to accommodate the larger, 8.5” diameter of the rubber air tire.
Can you climb hills with the Trikke? Absolutely! However, in the beginning, even the slightest incline may prove difficult. The key is practice, practice, practice....oh yeah, and determination. Watch the video's and see the techniques being used. It's really all about timing. If your timing is off just a little bit, then it will impact your forward momentum drastically. One thing to try after several unsuccessful hill climb attempts is to find an even bigger hill. Once you practice on a steeper hill and get a ways up it then go back to the little hill and it will be a piece of cake! Same as anything we do; if we let the little things defeat us then we'll never conquer the bigger ones. Once we conquer the bigger ones the little ones are a breeze.
How far is an average ride on a Trikke? It varies with each person. On average a rider who rides 2 to 3 times a week regularly will ride between 8 and 15 miles on each ride. There are some who ride 2 to 3 times a week and will go 30 or 40 miles per ride.
What kind of workout do I get? The Trikke is one of the best workouts you can get. It's no impact just muscle and joint exercise is a great way to get fit and stay fit. It's also a great weight loss product burning hundreds of calories.
Is the Trikke a good cardio workout? Absolutely! As with any exercise the amount of effort you extend will determine how much of a cardio workout get in return. For most, just a moderate pace on the Trikke gets the cardio-pulmonary system working at a suitable and safe level. It’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before beginning any type of exercise program.
Is there any impact on your body or joints? The Trikke is as no-impact of a workout as you can get. You're simply moving your body in rhythm with your lower and upper body therefore moving all the muscles and joints in between.
Is the Trikke safer than inline-skating (roller-blades)? With inline-skating you only have a 2-point stance and therefore are susceptible to falling forward or backwards. You also have boots and wheels firmly strapped to your feet which limits your mobility in an emergency or situation. With the Trikke it is a 3-point triangular stance which doesn't require much balance. You also have the hand lever braking system for the rear wheels to control your speed verses the rubber stops on roller blades. While only wearing your favorite workout sneakers while riding the Trikke it also gives you the ability to stop and take a break and maybe go into a store to get a snack and drink.
Why choose a Trikke over a bike? It's a matter of preference. We won't be so bold to make the statement that the Trikke is the only way to go. It all depends on what you're looking for in a human powered vehicle.
How old is your oldest Trikke rider? Our oldest rider is 92 years young. Our average riders age is probably in the lower 50's with most of our riders in their 40's, 50's and 60's.
Should I wear a helmet or any other safety gear? YES! We strongly encourage you to wear the proper safety gear. A standard bicycle helmet at minimum. Some riders go the extra step and wear elbow and knee pads just to be safe. Just as any vehicle you ride the proper safety and safety equipment is strongly recommended.
Has anyone been injured riding a Trikke? Yes, accidents have happened. Just as with any mode of transportation there is a chance for accidents and injuries. It is the responsibility of the rider to read the owner’s manual and watch the instructional DVD that comes with each new Trikke. We strongly encourage you to wear the proper safety equipment to minimize the effects of any accident.
What is your return policy? Please click here to see our return policy.
How much is shipping? Please click here for more information on our shipping costs and estimated delivery once shipped.
Do you ship to Alaska and Hawaii? Yes, please click here for more information.
What about international sales? Canada is the only international destination we can ship to.
Who do I call if I have a trouble with my Trikke? You call us! When you purchase from Street Fit 360/Trikke Tampa you receive full service and support after your purchase.
What maintenance is required? That’s the beauty of the Trikke, there’s very little maintenance required. Because the pneumatic wheels are high pressure and low volume it makes it necessary to add air pressure about every 7 to 10 days. It’s recommended that you check the bolts periodically to ensure they are snug. Click here for information regarding Trikke lubrication procedures as well as other maintenance tips.
How long is the warranty? All Trikke models come with a 12-month warranty against manufacturer defects. Click Here to view the warranty.
I'm having troubles folding and un-folding my Trikke. It's important that when folding and unfolding your Trikke that there is zero or neutral pressure between the pin in the leg and the hole in the extension arm. In other words, no side-to-side pressure or up and down pressure. We also have videos of folding and un-folding your Trikke on our videos link. Click Here.